[A.3.1.3 P0_14 A-3] Semantic content., [A.3.1.3 P0_14 A-3] Muatan Semantik. (Indonesian), [A.3.1.3 P0_14 A-3] Contenu sémantique (French)


The content of the panegyric differs depending on the noble rank of the house – it distinguishes an ‘ordinary’ nobleman's house (tongkonan to makaka’) from a great nobleman's (tongkonan layuk). Several parts can be identified: praise of the region, the village, the house through describing each of its parts, then of its owner through describing his life, his marriage, his family, his social promotion, his economic success, and lastly his piety.

Le contenu du panégyrique diffère selon le rang de noblesse de la maison – il différencie la maison d’un noble (tongkonan to makaka) de celle d’un grand noble (tongkonan layuk). Plusieurs parties peuvent être distinguées : louange de la région, du village, de la maison par la louange de chacune de ses parties, puis du propriétaire par la louange de sa vie – évocation de son mariage, de sa filiation, de sa promotion sociale, de son enrichissement et enfin de sa piété. (French)

Muatan madah pujian berbeda menurut tingkat kebangsawanan rumah – muatan madah pujian ini membedakan rumah seorang bangsawan (tongkonan tomakaka) dari rumah bangsawan tinggi (tongkonan layuk). Beberapa bagian dapat dibedakan, puji-pujian untuk daerah, kampung, rumah melalui deskripsi tiap bagian-bagiannya, kemudian pemiliknya dengan melukiskan kehidupan, perkawinan, hubungan kekerabatan, promosi sosial, kekayaan, serta perilaku religinya. (Indonesian)

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  Title Inventory number Archival reference Date Added Visibility
  2022-11-16 Public
  2022-11-08 Public
  2022-11-07 Public