[A.6.2 P0_8 A-6] In the bua’ kasalle ritual., [A.6.2 P0_8 A-6] Lors de la fête bua' kasalle (French), [A.6.2 P0_8 A-6] Dalam ritus bua’. (Indonesian)


At the bua’ kasalle I attended, two drums of different sizes were placed in the ceremonial field below the tower (gorang) on the small platform called ruma datu. I listed seven types of rhythm gathered under the term ‘bua’ drum’ (pa' gandang bua’): 1. pa' kotok londong (‘the cock’s crow’) 2. pa' manuk mangarran (‘the brooding hen’) 3. pa' lettotana (‘breaking ground’) 4. panglelleng kayu (‘felling a tree’) 5. pa' sarangallo (‘very hot day’), 6. pangindo' sibarru (‘direct in twos’) 7. pa' lambuk issong pandan (‘rice-mortars rhythm’).

À la fête bua’ kasalle à laquelle j’ai assisté, lors de la première fête, le tambour accompagnait la danse gellu’. Lors de la seconde fête, les deux tambours, de taille différente, étaient placés sur le champ cérémoniel au bas de la tour, sur la petite plate-forme (ruma datu). Sept types de rythmes regroupés sous le terme « tambour du bua’ » (pa’ gandang bua’) sont nommés par les officiants : 1. pa’ kotok londong (« le chant du coq ») ; 2. pa’ manuk mangngarran (« la poule qui couve ») ; 3. pa’ lettotana (« briser la terre ») ; 4. panglelleng kayu (« abattre un arbre ») ; 5. pa’ sarangallo (« chapeau de soleil ») ; 6. pangindo’ sibarru (« diriger à deux ») ; 7. pa’ lambuk issong pandan (« rythme des mortiers à riz »). (French)

Pada pesta bua’ yang saya hadiri, dua buah gendang dengan ukuran yang berbeda diletakkan di lapangan upacara di bawah menara gorang, di bawah anjungan kecil ruma datu. Saya mencatat tujuh jenis irama yang dikelompokkan dalam istilah “gendang bua” (pa’ gandang bua’): 1. pa’ kotok londong (“kokok ayam jantan”) 2. pa’ manuk mangarran (“ayam yang mengerami”) 3. pa’ lettotana (“memecahkan tanah”) 4. panglelleng kayu (“menebang pohon”) 5. pa’ sarangallo (“hari yang sangat panas”), 6. pangindo’ sibarru (“memimpin berdua”) 7. pa’ lambuk issong pandan (“irama lumpang beras”). (Indonesian)

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Two drums on the ceremonial field. Bua’kasalle, Deri, December 1993. The two drums, of different sizes, are positioned in the center of the ceremonial site on the platform (lentenan or ruma datu). Above, a much higher platform, called a gorang, is raised; access to this is gained via a ladder (on the left). Throughout the ritual both drums will stay on the lower platform, on which the officiants (to minaa) sit. In the foreground, in yellow, an officiated woman [here, the banaa] turns around the construction holding a ceremonial cloth in her right hand and a plate with an areca nut in her left., Deux tambours sur le champ cérémoniel kala'paran bua', Deri, décembre 1993. Pendant toute la fête, ils resteront sur la plate-forme du bas, sur laquelle s'assoient les officiants. Au premier plan, une officiée (ici, la banaa) tourne autour de la construction en tenant un tissu cérémoniel de la main droite et une assiette contenant une noix d'arec dans la main gauche. (French), Two drums on the ceremonial field. Bua’kasalle, Deri, December 1993. The two drums, of different sizes, are positioned in the center of the ceremonial site on the platform (lentenan or ruma datu). Above, a much higher platform, called a gorang, is raised; access to this is gained via a ladder (on the left). Throughout the ritual both drums will stay on the lower platform, on which the officiants (to minaa) sit. In the foreground, in yellow, an officiated woman [here, the banaa] turns around the construction holding a ceremonial cloth in her right hand and a plate with an areca nut in her left. (French)

This work also belongs to: [A.6.2 P0_8 A-4] At the maro ritual., [A.6.2 P0_8 A-4] Dalam ritus maro. (Indonesian), [A.6.2 P0_8 A-4] Dans le rituel maro (French)
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