Data Set

Floro Ugarte (15/IX/1884 - 11/VI/1975)



  • Registration document: M Ugarte, Floro Meliton del Sagrado Corazon – San Miguel Arcángel (Buenos Aires) – 17 November 1884 [*] Parents: Floro Ugarte and Sabine Ribero de Ugarte Admission: 30 November 1905 Class: Harmony Classifying: Admitted by decision of the Director, entered in M Pessard’s class. Prizes: 1907: Sick May exam Ended: 1908: Rayé [out of the register]. Absent June exam (art. 66 ∫1) [**] Observations: Argentine
  • Archives Nationales (AJ/37/396)
Bibliographic citation
  • Bongrain, A. (2012). Le Conservatoire National de Musique Et de Declamation 1900-1930. Librarie Philosophique J.
  • [*] His date of birth in DMEH is 15/IX [maybe changed the date to comply with age limit?] [**] Anne Bongrain (2012): P. 80. Art. 66 ∫1. - Any student who is absent from an examination, or who misses three times in a month the class of which they are a member or one of the courses to which their attendance is compulsory without a legitimate excuse, will be removed from the course list. [P. 80. Art. 66 ∫1. - Tout élève absent à un examen ou qui manque trois fois dans le mois, sans excuse légitime, la classe dont il fait partie ou un des cours auxquels sa presente est obligatoire, est rayé des controles.] His brother, the writer Manuel Ugarte, received the Legion of Honour:
Alternative title
  • [full name is Floro Melitón del Sagrado Corazón Ugarte]
Date(s) de l'objet/du contenu des données/du document
Data type
