Data Set

Pedro Valencia Courbis (06/II/1880 [or 1892?] - [XX/XX]/1961) (anglais)


Chile (anglais)

  • 1917. Courses: Harmony with Philip. (January) Organ [Philip stricken in blue] with Vadon. 1918. Courses: [in 1917 notebook] Piano with Braud. 1 course Composition and 3 course 2nd section Composition (Fugue) with d'Indy. Harmony with Philip [name stricken in red]. (April) Counterpoint with de Lioncourt. Organ with Vadon. Piano [n.n. prof. name stricken in blue]. Gregorian Chant 2nd degree with Gastoué [name stricken in blue]. Piano 2nd degree with Braud. 2 course 1 section Composition with d'Indy [main student]. 2 course 2 section Composition with d'Indy [auditor]. 1919. Courses: Counterpoint with de Liouncourt. Organ with Vadon. Piano II with Braud. 2 course 2 section Composition with d'Indy [main student]. 3 course Composition with d'Indy [auditor]. 1920. Courses: Counterpoint with de Lioncourt [name stricken in blue]. Accompaniment and Improvisation with Lejcalle (or d'Indy?) [name stricken in blue but name written again]. Organ (men) with Vadon - d'Argoeuves. 3 course 1 section Composition with d'Indy [main student]. 3 course 2 section Composition with d'Indy [name stricken in blue - auditor]. 1921. Courses: Counterpoint with Le Flem [name stricken in blue]. Accompaniment and Improvisation with Lejcalle [name is stricken in blue]. Organ with d'Argoeuves [name stricken in blue]. [1 course composition name is stricken]. 1926. Courses: Harmony with Saint-Réquier. Counterpoint with Le Flem. 2 course 2 section Composition with d'Indy [main student]. (anglais)
  • BnF Fonds Vincent d'Indy (RES VMF MS 211)
  • Book "La Schola cantorum : son histoire depuis sa fondation jusqu'en 1925"
  • Pedro Valencia Courbis (Chile) and Antonio María Valencia Zamorano (Colombia) seemed to have coincided at the Schola Cantorum in 1926. Usually Valencia Courbis appears as Courbis, or Valencia C. or Valencia-Courbis; and Valencia Zamorano appears simply as Valencia, but there might be a possibility that when it appears only as Valencia it could refer to anyone of them. (anglais)
Autre titre
  • [name appears in documents as Courbis, Valencia C. or Valencia-Courbis] (anglais)
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