Data Set

Felipe Boero (01/V/1884 - 09/VIII/1958) (anglais)


Argentina (anglais)

  • Boero's biography in the DMEH states that he obtained a "Beca Europa" from the Argentine government, and studied at the Conservatoire de Paris between 1912 and 1914 in Paul Vidal's composition class. Boero does not appear in the records of regular students or auditors from the CNSMDP revised so far. However, in the Boletín Oficial of the Argentine Republic, there are some reports from 1913 and 1914 written by Ernesto de la Cárcova, person in charge of checking that the Argentine students with government grants were properly taking their studies in Europe, where it affirms that he got a direct report from Paul Vidal. (anglais)
  • At the Archivo Histórico de Cancillería in Argentina, there is a letter by Paul Vidal addressed to the Director of the Paris Conservatoire stating the participation of Boero (possibly as auditor) in his composition class. * I'm indebted to Mariano Zemborain for sharing this document and letting me add his transcription here: Monsieur, J'ai autorisé Monsieur Felipe Boero a assister à ma classe de Composition au Conservatoire ; mais ayant constaté de grandes lacunes dans son éducation d'harmoniste je l'ai engagé à travailler en particulier sous la direction de mon répétiteur Monsieur Paul Fauchet, 97 rue Jouffroy, cela me parait indispensable et j'espère qu'il le fera. Votre bien dévoué, Paul Vidal [Dear Sir, / I have authorized Mr. Felipe Boero to attend my Composition class at the Conservatoire; but having noticed great deficiencies in his education as a harmonist I have asked him to work in particular under the direction of my tutor Mr. Paul Fauchet, 97 rue Jouffroy, this seems to me to be essential and I hope he will do so. /Yours faithfully, / Paul Vidal] (anglais)
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