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Export multi-format du corpus "S'écrire au XIXe siècle. Une correspondance familiale" édité et publié sur (French)

  • This dataset contains a digital edition of the correspondace of the Merzdorff-Duméril-Froissart family from the late XVIIIth century up to approx. 1920, published on the website The data is available under the Etalab 2.0 open licence, with the exception of a small set of images from the National Museum of Natural History of France. If you re-use a document or the entire corpus, please credit its authors using the citation template in section "How to cite this dataset". About this dataset This dataset presents an updated and enriched version of the Merzdorff-Duméril-Froissart family's letters. This family has textile manufacturers, scientists from the French National Museum of Natural History and high ranking civil and military officials that elevate their social status from the late XVIIIth century to the early XXth century. This correspondence was an instrument of social promotion, used by actors to increase their social status and keep memory of this elevation in the XIXth century French society. Carried out by a team of engineers from the Centre de Recherches Historiques (UMR 8558), the digital edition of the corpus resulted in the publication of more than 3,000 letters and approx. 2,000 additional documents, published on as a semantic wiki. See the for detailed information. (French)
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