Jeu De Données

MELISMATIC MODEL. No drone here: the melody is no longer carried by the soloist but by the chorus, who perform a melody often based on intervals of a second and minor third. Characteristic of the region of Baruppu', this model is defined by words sung in unison without ornament, by its slowness, by pauses, by the absence of clausula, by scales with unusual chromaticisms, by overlappings, by changes of scale, and by long sustained notes on the sub-final.


MODÈLE MÉLISMATIQUE. Ici, pas de bourdon, la mélodie est assurée non plus par le soliste mais par le chœur qui exécute une mélodie souvent fondée sur des intervalles de seconde et tierce mineure.Propre à la région de Baruppu', ce modèle se caractérise par des paroles chantées à l'unisson sans ornements, par la lenteur, par des pauses, par l'absence de clausule, par des échelles aux chromatismes inhabituels, par des tuilages, par des changements d'échelle et par de longue tenues sur la subfinale. (French)

MELISMATIC MODEL. No drone here: the melody is no longer carried by the soloist but by the chorus, who perform a melody often based on intervals of a second and minor third. Characteristic of the region of Baruppu', this model is defined by words sung in unison without ornament, by its slowness, by pauses, by the absence of clausula, by scales with unusual chromaticisms, by overlappings, by changes of scale, and by long sustained notes on the sub-final. (French)

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