Jeu De Données

Figure by Walter Kaudern, in Musical instruments in Celebes, 1927: 38. The author collected a large number of forks called rere, in Central Sulawesi, southwest of Kulawi.


Figure par Walter Kaudern, dans Musical Instruments in Celebes, Results of the Author's Expedition 1917-1920, 1927 : 38. L'auteur a collecté un grand nombre de fourches appelées rere, à Sulawesi-Centre, au sud-ouest de Kulawi. (French)

Gambar oleh Walter Kaudern, dalam Musical instruments in Celebes, Results of the author’s expedition 1917-1920, 1927: 38. Pengarang mengumpulkan sejumlah besar canggah yang dinamakan rere di Sulawesi Tengah, di sebelah tenggara Kulawi. (Indonesian)

Bibliographic citation
  • Walter Kaudern, in Musical instruments in Celebes, 1927: 38.
Alternative title
  • TORAJA_FOURCHE.jpg (French)
Date created
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