Jeu De Données

Version tamoule de la légende de la variole de la vache de Francis Whyte Ellis


Tamil version of Francis Whyte Ellis’ Legend of the Cowpox (anglais)

  • At the beginning of the 19th c., Francis Whyte Ellis (1777‒1819), one of the major figures of Orientalism, notably as the discoverer of the Dravidian group of languages, wrote in Tamil a treatise in order to persuade Indians to undertake smallpox vaccination, introducing it as the sixth boon from the cow. A manuscript kept in the collections of the BULAC in Paris (Access No. "MS.IND.4") contains the only Tamil version known so far. The present dataset contains pictures of the written pages of the manuscript (first the Tamil version of the text, then its English translation). (anglais)
Mention dans des publications, éditions déjà parues
  • • Francis, Emmanuel (2013). "Tamil Original of Ellis’ Legend of the Cowpox Found." Blogpost.
  • • Francis, Emmanuel (2014). "Un manuscrit tamoul unique : la légende de la variole de la vache." Blogpost.
  • • Francis, Emmanuel (2017). "La sixième « vacherie » d’Ellis." In: Christophe Vielle, Christian Cannuyer & Dylan Esler (eds.), Dieux, génies, anges et démons dans les cultures orientales & Florilegium Indiae Orientalis Jean-Marie Verpoorten in honorem (pp. 253-266). Société Royale Belge d’Études Orientales : Bruxelles (Acta Orientalia Belgica 30).
  • The manuscript is paginated in pencil in the upper corner of the pages. Pages left blank are pp. 1-4, 6, 26, 49-56.
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  • MS.IND.4
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