[A.5.3.1 P1_30 A-2] Trident mast., [A.5.3.1 P1_30 A-2] Bendera Bercabang Tiga. (Indonesian), [A.5.3.1 P1_30 A-2] Mât trident (French)


The funeral ceremonial mast (bandera, bate lepong) has as its counterpart the mast of the East (bate) erected for the celebration maro or bate manurun.

Le mât cérémoniel funéraire (bandera, bate lepong) a pour réplique le mât du Levant (bate), érigé au rituel maro ou bate manurun. (French)

Bendera upacara untuk pemakaman (bandera, bate lepong) memiliki replika bendera aluk rampe matallo, yang didirikan pada pesta maro, dan disebut bate manurun. (Indonesian)

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Ancestral cloths on the masts bate at the maro, Torea, 1993., Tissus ancestraux sur les mâts bate durant le rituel maro, Torea, 1993. (French), Kain leluhur pada tiang upacara bate dalam pesta maro, Torea, 1993. (Indonesian)

This work also belongs to: [A.3.2.1 P0_31 A-3] 3. Maro turning the deceased's shade towards the rising sun., [A.3.2.1 P0_31 A-3] 3. Maro de conversion de l'ombre du défunt vers le Levant (French), [A.3.2.1 P0_31 A-3] 3. Maro yang merupakan peralihan roh seorang mendiang ke wilayah terbitnya matahari. (Indonesian), [A.1.2.3 P0_15] The rising sun rituals relate the fecundity of the land, animals and humans., [A.1.2.3 P0_15] Ritus “di sebelah matahari terbit” berkaitan dengan kesuburan tanah, binatang dan manusia. (Indonesian), [A.1.2.3 P0_15] Les rituels du Levant sont relatifs à la fécondité de la terre, des animaux et des humains. (French), [A.3.2.1 P0_31] There are three types of maro., [A.3.2.1 P0_31] Ada tiga jenis ritus maro. (Indonesian), [A.3.2.1 P0_31] Il existe trois types de rituels maro. (French), [A.5.3.1 P1_30] Equivalencies in symbols and artifacts., [A.5.3.1 P1_30] Keserupaan dalam berbagai simbol dan artefak. (Indonesian), [A.5.3.1 P1_30] Homologies dans les symboles et artefacts. (French), [A.1.2.2 P0_12 A-6] Living structure., [A.1.2.2 P0_12 A-6] Struktur yang Hidup. (Indonesian), [A.1.2.2 P0_12 A-6] Structure vivante (French), [A.1.1.2 P0-6 A-4] Ancestral textiles, [A.1.1.2 P0-6 A-4] Kain Para Leluhur (Indonesian), [A.1.1.2 P0-6 A-4] Les tissus ancestraux (French)
2022-06-24 Public