[A.2.2.3 P0_37 A-1] The silences., [A.2.2.3 P0_37 A-1] Diam membisu. (Indonesian), [A.2.2.3 P0_37 A-1] Les silences (French)


Constant and organic, the silences are milestones controlling the music’s progress. They fragment the lyrics without affecting the feeling of permanence.

Constants, organiques, les silences constituent des points de repère en fonction desquels se déroule le flux musical. Ils fragmentent la parole mais n’altèrent pas le sentiment de permanence. (French)

Konstan, organik, diam membisu merupakan patokan bagi keberlangsungan arus musikal. Mereka menfragmentasi teks tetapi tidak merubah perasaan tentang kontinuitas. (Indonesian)

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