[B.] Retteng for the deceased., [B.] Retteng to mate, retteng untuk orang mati (Indonesian), [B.] Retteng au défunt (French)


A retteng is introduced when the round dance is being sung, at an arbitrarily chosen moment in the performance. A retteng performed at a death feast may treat a variety of subjects. When the singers want someone to recite a retteng, they sing the first line of a strophe, then repeat it with the exclamation le, le le! (“hey, hey, hey!”). This is meant to encourage someone to recite a retteng. The words were provided by Ne' Lumbaa Kapala Se'pon, in 1993. It is sung here out of funerary context, by Daut Puppung.

Poème soliste adressé au défunt, déclamé lors des funérailles du plus haut degré. Le chant a été enregistré en dehors d’un rituel, à ma demande. (French)

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